Looking for a Home Site

Functionally Nepal still operates under the caste system, and when a landlord determines the women at the safe house are “untouchable” they have been forced to move. Building a permanent home will allow expansion of current programs to reach many more who are in need. While factoring in the most favorable conditions for placement of a new safe house, one piece of land after another has been considered and discarded. The women need access to a hospital and a good school within 30 minutes, and the availability of water is a top priority.
Purchasing land in Nepal is complicated; not only is one faced with constantly rising price tags, but “favor” is a key factor in getting anything done. Land is being bought up at an astounding rate, especially by British foreigners. One acre of land outside Kathmandu rose from $250,000 to $500,000 over the course of one month. As paved roads replace dirt, and services move further outside the city, higher prices follow.
All sales are cash transactions, and any “credit extension” must be paid in full within 30 days. While attempting to finalize a land purchase this winter, the land owner decided he wanted to sell the adjoining property at the same time, essentially wanting more money to close the deal. The coronavirus lockdown stifled and then ended negotiations.
Over the past three years one acreage after another has been bought out from under them, doubled in price, rejected after prayerful consideration, fallen through, or otherwise failed to materialize. The safe house director, Surendra, is discouraged and feels pressure to appropriately spend the funds entrusted with him, while providing the best site available for the home. His current prayer concern is in finding the right property at the right price! Please pray with us for God's provision for land and wisdom for Surendra in securing it.